(020) - 27032143
OFFICE TIME : 8.30am to 3.00pm - Mon to Fri / 8.30am to 12noon - Sat
Every student in AES is expected be polite and maintain good manners and not to break the rules of the school. In less serious cases two official warnings will be given to the student before the final step is taken.
Students should be regular and punctual. The school gate will be closed at the first bell at 08.20 am. The latecomers will not be allowed to enter school premises. All students must be present for the school assembly.
Strict regularity, obedience , politeness and courtesy in speech and courtesy in speech and conduct, smartness and cleanliness of dress and person are rigidly insisted upon. No child will be admitted to school without the complete uniform..
Any damage to the school property is to be made good by the concerned student or by the class responsible for it.
Students are not allowed to give gifts to teachers.
All articles found in the school and not claimed for, shall be disposed of after a month. Students are not permitted to bring to the school valuable articles. The school will not be responsible for any loss of articles of the students.
Outdoors games and physical education and work experience will be compulsory for all the students.
1. | Pawade Saniya Kisan | 90.60% |
2. | Nukul Jitendra | 90.40% |
3. | Nitishkumar Bhagat | 89.20% |
Ist to IVth |
Tuition Fee = 1180 Rs / Month |
Total Fee = 14160 Rs (12 month) |
Vth to Xth |
Tuition Fee = 1230 Rs / Month |
Total Fee = 14760 Rs (12 month) |
Nursery (8:30 am to 12.30 pm)
Lkg & Ukg (8:30 am to 12 noon)
Ist to Xth (8:30 am to 3:05 pm)